Wed Aug 07 2024

Dev Log - 0.0.27 Features & Bug Fixes

Screenshot 2024-08-07 010944.png

  • You can now create and view folders in the asset browsers for better organization.
  • Significant improvements in initial loading times by introducing step at build time to package assets for more performant delivery. This contains a breaking change for existing projects so follow the migration guide below to make sure they work with the new version.
  • You can now select how to automatically generate collision shapes per asset to be either convex hull, mesh (for highest level of detail) or by using collision shapes imported from the model's file. The default is still to use a convex hull unless the model file contains collision shapes in which case those are used. This enables you to control the collision precision and performance trade-off.
  • Traditional and simplified Chinese is now available for Hology Engine's website.

Migration guide

For projects created with an earlier version, you need to run the following commands

npm install '@hology/core@^0.0.53'
npm install -D '@hology/vite-plugin@^0.0.1'

You need to change the file vite.config.ts to contain the following code to enable the new plugin.

import hology from '@hology/vite-plugin'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'

export default defineConfig({
  esbuild: {
    target: "es2020",
  plugins: [
      babel: {
        plugins: [
          ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { version: "2023-11" }],